What makes a good book?
What makes a good book? Mr. Mitchell (and whoever else decides to read this blog), I am going to be very honest, I did not read at all these last 4 weeks. Whether it was reader's block or just lack of time, I was not able to get past 5 pages without losing any focus I even had to begin with. Obviously, this is a problem since we have to write readers' blogs so I was naturally concerned as to what I would do. I considered finding the summary to some old books I've read and talking about those or speed reading a book in the span of 3 hours. However, neither of those choices seemed to make much sense nor be very efficient. Whilst frantically scrolling through my Goodreads I suddenly thought of an idea. Instead of turning to find summaries of books I've read in the past, why didn't I write about my favorite aspect of each one? Ok, maybe not each one, I thought, since that would take hours, but what about the ones I liked the most? And with a little adjusting of my init...