To All the Love I've Loved Before

 To All the Love I’ve Loved Before

By Steph

My initial blog post idea was to write about Scarlet Letter. Indeed, earlier this week I had already intended on this topic, ready to throw out an in depth analysis on a few quotes. However, when I sat at my desk, fingers hovering over the keyboards, all the while staring at an empty white screen, I couldn’t bear to put any words down.  

Partially, it was my nervousness in writing a good blog post. I try to enjoy when I write these, making sure that I’ll enjoy them as I read them back. However, my last post felt unnatural, and I still feel dissatisfied about it. I’ve also tried to get back into reading books and writing on a regular basis, albeit not very successfully. I don’t want writing and reading to become hobbies to force myself to write. Books used to be my comfort, my world, my joy, and now they have dwindled to mere nostalgic memories.

So I put away my computer, deciding to clear away my writer’s block with a book I hold dear. It isn’t my favorite book, nor the most interesting out of my collection, but it brings me an unconscious grin to my face every time I read it. To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han is a silly, sweet, rom-com novel that brings a fresh new perspective on love. The book follows high school junior Lara Jean after purposely unsent love letters get sent—and the consequences of that mistake. Han weaves the actual letters throughout the story, dropping them in between the narration like little gifts for the reader. 

    So, for one reason or another, I wanted to try my own hand at a letter, inspired by this book and the swirling thoughts in my mind. Perhaps it’s not exactly Lara Jean style, but it’s mine.

Dear readers,

Have you ever been in love?

 The type of romantic, unrequited love where you can only admire from a distance, daydreaming of interlocked hands and featherlight kisses? Knowing it may be a crush, nothing more, but holding your hands to your heart and giggling underneath your pillows? Bringing the nerve to utter a word to them, your heart fluttering fast in your chest?

The high school crush sort of love, where you fight back a blush at every interaction, giggling with your friends about it later? Stealing glimpses out of your eyes, feeling giddy from an accidental brush of shoulders? Fidgeting your fingers and biting back a grin when friends tease and joke? 

The platonic love from years of friendship, through days captured by memories and lenses? Confiding and trusting with secrets kept locked so long the key to open them was starting to rust? Letting your worries and cares float away as you embrace in the comfort of others who understand you? (Going on an ice skating trip and ending up with wet knees, bright eyes, and breathless howls of laughter?)

The empty, hollow love, of a solemn realization they’re gone from the world entirely? Sobbing from the bone-shattering shock from the news, begging on your knees to stop the lies? Caressing an item you know was dotingly adorned with fingerprints of a late soul?

The lonely, yearning love of a familiar person-turned-stranger, severed from the inner circles of your past? Reminiscing fondly of old history as you scroll up messages, or find an old co-written school project?  Texting once in a blue moon when they reemerge in your thoughts, waiting for a reply that will only come after you’ve forgotten once more?

The love between a parent and a child, full of sacrifices and a familiar bond, uncertain at times but always there for you?  Eating a delicious warm meal at school, each bite reminding you of the meaningful thought behind the food? Planting a kiss on their cheek before you leave for school, any arguments and grudges already dissipated and forgotten?

The stranger love, of ordering warm almond croissants and sipping tongue-burning coffee, lost in the sepia-tinted ambience? Struck by a moment of sonder watching a bustling street, people coming and going at their own pace, uninterrupted by others? Closing your eyes before a restful sleep, thinking about every old, every new, even non-existing interactions with the world?

Are you in love?

I think I’m in love. 

Love, Stepheny


  1. When Mr. Mitchell explained how romance is weaved by the author's imagination, I think you got the reference. The work is filled with your interpretation of a feeling and making one's imagination go wild. Good job for trying and hopefully reading and writing can be a little more fun than that we take it as.

  2. This is honestly amazing Steph:). I too love the book that you're referencing and you added such a wonderful twist to this post. You wrote this so well and meaningfully, and I definitely relate to many of the various feelings of love that you described. Good job!

  3. AWW THIS IS SO AMAZING STEPH! I love your writing so much (100 times better than Hawthorne or whatever classics people like to read). I also really love how you expand on all types of love, from heart wrenching love, parental love, and of course relationship love. I wish I could get a sweet croissant every time I saw a stranger I loved! Amazing blog post Steph!

  4. STEPHENY!!! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!! This concept is actually so amazing and you did such an AMAZING job with this, I love your writing so much!! As someone who is such a sucker for love, I loved this post so so much. I am really so glad you incorporated all the different types of love because I know how those are often more overlooked. I feel like romantic love is so heavily emphasized by society and portrayed as the most important in media, but there are so many other types! I'm not saying it's not important, I think it's just really good to acknowledge other types of love and hold it to the same standard as romantic love, because it's honestly just as important. Love is such a unique feeling and I adored how you attached specific scenarios or images to each of the ones you listed. Whether it be platonic or familial, love is a concept I cannot get enough of and you are just refilling my love for love. I have most definitely been in love before, thank you for writing this, Steph!

  5. LITERALLY this is so good. Like I’m not even in Mitchell but this is so good. I’m not sure why, but it was so amazing to read and made me excited to think about feeling like this in the future. Thank you so much and wow like this post was so good! I really love love, and hearing about love, and talking about love, so I loved this post.


  6. This is wonderfully written, Stepheny. Initially when I saw the title, I thought you made a typo. I figured it would be another book review, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to read your post or not because I've already read the book. This concept is super creative and interesting!

  7. STEPH THIS IS SO COOL!!! I absolutely adore the way you wrote this, the feelings in this "letter" really do feel like love because of theway you described them!!

  8. STEPH- I AM SPEECHLESS!! This is INCREDIBLE!!! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!! I adore your writing style. I especially loved how you incorporated all different types of love, especially since some of them tend to be overlooked. This was such an amazing and heartwarming read, and I look forward to reading more of your posts in the future! Once again, spectacular job!!


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